Sunday, March 24, 2013

TVpad niji show app (Japanese livestreams)

TVpad niji show app (Japanese livestreams)

TVpad niji show app currently has livestreams of 7 Japanese TV channels (this includes NHK, TBS, TV Asahi, TV Tokyo). TVpad niji show app can be found in the TVpad store. It is available for TVpad2 as well 
as TVpad M121S. See the demonstration video below of the tvpad niji show app:

TVpad niji show app (Japanese livestreams)

You can buy the TVpad2 or TVpad M121S on the official website. For more info, see these posts:
TVpad2 (TVpad M233) information


  1. Niji app does not work with TVpad3. Don't buy if you want Japanese TV.


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