How to install TVpad2 (TVpad M233) games (instruction)
Step 1: First, download the "Game Installation Assistant" (游戏安装助手.rar) package: Game Installation Assistant package download and extract the 游戏安装助手.rar package (using Winrar for example).
You should get the file called "gvos2-sd3".
You should get the file called "gvos2-sd3".
Step 2: Put the extracted "gvos2-sd3" file in your USB stick along with the games (.pkg tvpad game files can be downloaded below). Do not change the name of the extracted file "gvos2-sd3"
Step 3: Now, turn on your TVpad2 and wait till the main menu appears (you will see "App Manager",
"My TVpad" and "Settings" on the left side of your screen). Then, connect the USB stick with your
TVpad2 (TVpad M233) and you will see the following image appear:
"My TVpad" and "Settings" on the left side of your screen). Then, connect the USB stick with your
TVpad2 (TVpad M233) and you will see the following image appear:
You should see the screen above after you have connected your USB stick with the TVpad2.
Now, press the "OK" button on your remote control
After pressing the "OK" button on your remote control, you will see the screen above. It is analyzing
how many tvpad games need to be installed.
After analyzing the USB stick, the TVpad games will automatically be installed
You will see the screen above after all the tvpad games have been installed. Press the "OK" button
on your remote control and you will see the following screen again:
Now you can unplug your USB stick and then you will go back to the main menu. The TVpad game
apps icons should be in the list of apps now.
TVpad2 games download links:
TVpad game 1: 拳击擂台 (boxing game)
拳击擂台 download link: boxing game download link
TVpad game 2: 路亚钓鱼 (fishing game)
TVpad game 3: 喜羊羊之找不同 (famous cartoon game)
喜羊羊之找不同 download link: 喜羊羊之找不同 download link
TVpad game 4: 快乐蹦床 (racing game)
快乐蹦床 download link: racing game download link
TVpad game 5: 快乐蹦床 (trampoline game)
快乐蹦床 download link: trampoline game download link
TVpad game 6: 百米冲刺 (sprint/athletics game)
百米冲刺 download link: sprint/athletics game
TVpad game 7: 眼明手快1 (speed and accuracy game)
眼明手快1 download link: 眼明手快1 download link
TVpad game 8: 眼明手快2 (speed and accuracy game)
眼明手快2 download link: 眼明手快2 download link
快乐蹦床 download link: racing game download link
TVpad game 5: 快乐蹦床 (trampoline game)
快乐蹦床 download link: trampoline game download link
TVpad game 6: 百米冲刺 (sprint/athletics game)
百米冲刺 download link: sprint/athletics game
TVpad game 7: 眼明手快1 (speed and accuracy game)
眼明手快1 download link: 眼明手快1 download link
TVpad game 8: 眼明手快2 (speed and accuracy game)
眼明手快2 download link: 眼明手快2 download link
TVpad game 9: 黑白棋2 (othello2 game)
黑白棋2 download link: othello2 download link
TVpad game 10: 快乐豆豆 (antartic sports game)
快乐豆豆 download link: antartic sports game download link
TVpad game 11: 全景乒乓 (table tennis game)
全景乒乓 download link: table tennis game download link
TVpad game 12: 快乐乒乓(table tennis game)
快乐乒乓 download link: table tennis game download link
TVpad game 10: 快乐豆豆 (antartic sports game)
快乐豆豆 download link: antartic sports game download link
TVpad game 11: 全景乒乓 (table tennis game)
全景乒乓 download link: table tennis game download link
TVpad game 12: 快乐乒乓(table tennis game)
快乐乒乓 download link: table tennis game download link
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